Sunday, March 25, 2007

Poor Richard

Richard and a friend, Glen, were carrying our old TV (we got a new one - yippee!) down the stairs. Richard was leading the way and as he turned a corner his body moved and his leg didn't, or at least something went amok, because suddenly there was PAIN. Fortunately (thank you, God) he didn't fall and the other guy was able to grab the TV. He sat down immediately on the stairs, feeling a little faint. He sent Glen on his way saying he was sure he'd be okay.

He was in tremendous pain, so it didn't take long to decide on a trip to the ER. So we spent our Sunday afternoon in the hospital, and we're glad we did. As it turned out, he wrenched his left thigh muscle pretty bad. We returned home with some pain pills and Ibruprofen and he went to bed and slept very soundly. He stayed down all of Monday, was up on crutches Tues, advanced to one crutch Wed and Thurs and to no crutches on Fryday. He's off all but the Ibuprofen. Unfortunately he's also off of work. Sitting in a truck all day, much less getting in and out of it, would be quite a challenge at this point. So it looks like he will be off for at least two weeks. He's getting a taste of retirement, although I'm sure he'd agree he isn't quite ready to go there yet.

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