Monday, November 20, 2006

Welcome to my blogspot!

Well, here I am. I think it's alot of fun to visit my cousin George VI's spot and catch up on what's happening in his life, so I decided to try it for myself. Hopefully I'll blog often enough to make it interesting. I don't know anybody else who does this except for him and his daughter, Sara, who has a new beautiful baby girl, Georgia.


George said...

Wonderful! I'm sure you'll do a great job of keeping up with your blog. Mostly I feel like I don't have much to say, unless a grand daughter happens along.

timidvenus said...

glad to see you here! keep up the blogging, its always fun to read about the goings on of others. oh, and if you see corney anytime soon, tell him i say hi (margaret too)!
sara helen

ZimmiZ said...

Very snazzy and cool Betsy! Not to mention very twenty-first century!

Ruby Sue said...

Well since we're talking very first Christmas spent away from my family was at Gay Rutherford's. What an enlighting experience, believe that was my first Christmas with "church people" and I remember I received a pair of petti-pants, boy was I proud of them